English Department
The goal of the English Department is to provide meaningful opportunities for students to become proficient readers, writers, speakers, listeners, and critical thinkers. Students will demonstrate the academic knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to enter into and succeed in entry-level, credit bearing courses in college and post-secondary programs and/or workplace training programs requiring an equivalent level of ELA/Literacy skills. The curriculum exposes students to a rich diversity of high-quality, authentic literature from multiple genres, cultures, and time periods in an effort to sharpen skills of comprehension and analysis. Students will read literature from writers who will instill a deep appreciation for art, beauty, and truth, while broadening their understanding of the human condition from differing points of view.
Reading and discussing important works of prose and poetry will also help students develop empathy for others while learning about who they are as individuals and members of a wider civilization and world. Students will also read and analyze a wide variety of literature and informational text that covers multiple complexities, various genres and cultures leading to well-versed students who appreciate diversity in people and cultures. The curriculum emphasizes proficient writing habits using common language and assignments that will ensure success in college and career. The curriculum also reflects the values and needs of society, enabling students to become productive members of their community.